Leeds City Credit Union Ltd is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, who are elected by the membership at the AGM (Annual General Meeting). In addition to the Board of Directors we also have a Finance and Audit Committee made up of Directors to oversee these aspects in more detail.
All Directors and senior managers are individually approved or Certified under the ‘Senior Management Regime’ of the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), and this means that they must meet appropriate standards of capability and suitability. We adhere to all financial reporting rules and requirements for good governance as set out by the PRA and FCA.
Leeds City Credit Union Ltd, in common with all UK Credit Unions, is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Our Firm Reference Number (FRN) is 213369.
We use professionally qualified Internal Auditors who work in conjunction with our Finance and Audit Committee to carry out an annual audit plan. We also have External Auditors, that perform an annual inspection of the credit union’s business and report to the membership at the Annual General Meeting each year.
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Consumer Duty
Leeds City Credit Union Ltd. is an ethically focused Financial Co-operative with our members at the heart of everything we do. We want our members to have a unique experience when dealing with our teams and are fully committed to the principals the FCA Consumer Duty which sets higher and clearer standards of consumer protection and requires firms to put customers’ needs first.
We recognise that our employees are critical to delivering a positive member experience and ensuring our members are treated fairly. Our culture and values encourage and support our employees to do this.
Your feedback is important to us and helps us to improve our products and services for you our valued members.
Financial Services Compensation Scheme
Leeds City Credit Union Ltd is a member of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). The FSCS can pay compensation to depositors if Leeds City Credit Union Ltd. is unable to meet its financial obligations. Most depositors – including most individuals and small businesses – are covered by the scheme. For further information about the scheme please either contact us or refer to the FSCS website
Complaints Procedure
Leeds City Credit Union Ltd is committed to providing you with the best service possible. We understand there may be times when something goes wrong, so if you have a problem, please let us know.
Contact us by telephone on 0113 242 3343, email complaints@leedscreditunion.co.uk, or by post to Member Services Department, Leeds Credit Union Ltd, Carlton Tower, 34 St Paul’s Street, Leeds, LS1 2QB. We will endeavour to settle your complaint as soon as possible using our Complaints Procedures. A copy of our complaint procedure is available upon request.
Financial Ombudsman Service
We are part of the Financial Ombudsman Service and must maintain written complaints handling policy and procedures. Should you be unsatisfied with the outcome of your complaint you can then contact the Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, Harbour Exchange London, E14 9SR. Tel: 0800 0234 567. Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Leeds City Credit Union Ltd has a dedicated Compliance Function who is responsible for ensuring the Credit Union complies with regulatory and legislative requirements.
Terms and Conditions
Terms and conditions apply to all Leeds City Credit Union Ltd accounts and services. The terms and conditions that relate to a particular account or service will be provided on application or when the account or service is opened. Click here to view the main terms and conditions of membership.
Trading Name
Leeds Credit Union is a trading name of Leeds City Credit Union Ltd.