Because life is unpredictable, it’s important to have some savings put aside that you can fall back on if something unexpected happens, like losing your job, becoming unwell or suddenly receiving a bill for which you hadn’t already budgeted.
Having the financial safety net that savings provide can be hugely reassuring in these instances, especially when you consider that, according to recent 2024 UK savings statistics provided by price comparison website money.co.uk, at the time of responding:
Taking place between 9th-15th September, UK Savings Week is designed to promote the benefits of saving and encourage people to focus on their saving habits, whether they are regular savers, infrequent savers or currently unable to save.
Originally launched in 2022, the UK Savings Week initiative works by bringing together organisations that want to improve people’s – especially their own employees’ – financial resilience by helping them save for the future by providing them with access to advice about saving money.
If you’re interested in saving money and better managing your finances, here are some helpful hints and tips.
Making your savings work for you.
Where can I get help?
Contact a trustworthy financial institution, such as your local credit union, for help and advice on improving your financial circumstances.
At Leeds Credit Union, we offer a Money And Budgeting Service (MABS) to help members create realistic budgets to ensure their bills are paid on time, stop them from falling into arrears and make the most of their income.
We also provide an employee payroll scheme which allows members who work for certain employers to save through their pay, with deductions going straight into their savings account from their salary or wage, meaning they don’t even miss it.
Get saving with Leeds Credit Union!
At LCU, we offer a wide range of savings accounts designed to keep your money safe and secure, with regular dividends paid out to qualifying members.
To find out more, click here.